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  JOB OPENINGS > Jobs in Houston

Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing Ltd.

Remanufacturing Positions - Accepting Applications

The company requires employees with experience in lumber remanufacturing, sawmills, fingerjoint or block preparation operations.  Applicants with experience as rip or chop saw operators, lumber graders, or lumber pilers should drop resumes off at the office.  Preference will be given to candidates with a valid Level 3 first aid certificate.

Truck Driver - Accepting Applications

The company requires an experienced truck driver for the collection of bulk trim ends from local mills.  Applicants holding a valid Class 3 driver's license should drop resumes off at the office.  Preference will be given to candidates with a valid Level 3 first aid certificate.

1287 Morice River Rd, Box 1448
Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0
Ph: 845-7585 
Fax: 845-7579
e-mail: Operations Manager 

 TEL 250.564.0412  FAX 250.564.0796  EMAIL admin@brink.bc.ca
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